The Cannington Library is located in the Cannington Leisureplex complex. As we visit the leisureplex regularly we usually stop in to return and update our library books and puzzles.
The children’s section is set to the back corner and has a small box of play items and puppets, a colourful ABC rug, some comfy cushion animals and colourful dogs for the little ones to play with. The books are arranged on low shelves with plenty of open space to encourage the children to grab a book and sit down and explore it.
We visited Friday morning so we could attend the toddler story time session. There are two sessions on Friday 9.30am and 10.30am. We hadn’t been to a story time for sometime and found it has gone high tech – online bookings are now required and the rhymes and stories are projected onto a large screen so everything can see and join in.
Ozzy, who runs the sessions is very engaging and keeps the kids interested by involving them. We have attended a few rhyme/storytime sessions in libraries around our area and he is one of best presenters and even dresses up in a cape and hat.
The story time we attended started with about 10 mins of popular rhymes. Ozzy enthusiastically encourages everyone to join in. Then it was time for a story. The first one we had that day was an animal alphabet story and the little ones were encouraged to guess what each animal was.
After the story, there were several more action rhymes and then another story. The session ended with a few more rhymes. Once the rhymes and stories were done Ozzy encouraged the kids to stay and do some colouring in. The colouring in is usually related to one of the stories – today’s was animals.
The children are given the colouring page, mat to work on and a box of crayons. Sometimes the sessions are very busy so you might need to share your mat and craft supplies with others.
Once the colouring is completed each child is encouraged to take them up to Ozzy to look at and he gives out a sticker and stamp.
Rhyme/Story Time sessions are run by the library during school term;
– Baby Rhyme Time for babies 0-24 months – Wednesday 9.30am
– Toddler Story Time for 2-3 year olds – Friday 9.30am and 10.30am
– Story Time for 4-5 year olds – Monday 10am
Other sessions and services the Cannington Library offer are;
– Learning English through Story Time an 8 week free course
– Lego Club once a month for children 8-12 yrs
– Drop in Parenting Service is available the first Friday of each month during the school term.
Some of these sessions require bookings so check the library website.
The library is located in the Cannington Leisureplex where you’ll also find a cafe, crรจche, swimming pool and other facilities. You can combine your library visit with a swim or a coffee. My daughter quite often asks to go to the library to look for new books when we are there doing other activities. As a book lover myself I’m glad she enjoys finding new books to ‘read’ at the library or take home.
Cannington Library
Cannington Leisureplex, 233 Sevenoaks Street, Cannington
(08) 6350 7350