Containers for Change

Containers for Change is a fantastic scheme that encourages recycling in the community through depositing certain eligible plastic, glass and aluminum bottles, cans and other containers. Itโ€™s an easy way to get the kids excited about helping the environment, all while earning a little pocket money too. Little Chef and I popped along to the Reverse Vending Machine recycling center in Belmont recently.


Containers for Change

First up, itโ€™s important to know which containers are recyclable and which are not. Aluminium and steel cans are, as well as most glass and plastic bottles. Some paper cartons are good to go. Exceptions to these rules are milk and wine bottles. If youโ€™re not sure, the packaging will always mention if you can return the container for 10c.

As well as saving the containers your household use, kids may also like to litter pick, or collect from neighbours or grandparents. Itโ€™s a good way to earn pocket money.

And be sure to clean and remove all lids before returning the containers!


Drop Off

Containers for Change

There are several different places to drop your empty containers.

Depots have walk in or drive through services to count your containers and refund on the spot.

Bag drops of containers can be dropped off at various locations around Perth. This is a quick, convenient and contact-free way to recycle and receive refunds via your scheme ID. Set that up here.

The most fun way to deposit containers is by using a reverse vending machines (RVMs) – Little Chef loved it! The self-serve machines are used by inserting uncrushed containers into an RVM, the machine the recognises the type of container, and counts them.

Containers for Change

You can also look out for pop-up refund points, that may be local to you.

Find the full list of participating Containers for Change venues in Perth here.



Containers for Change

All eligible containers are worth 10 cents. You can choose to keep your refund, or donate to a charity or community group. There are a few ways to collect your refund:

If you have signed up for a scheme ID, refunds will be paid into your bank account via Electronic funds transfer (EFT).

You can claim a cash refund immediately if offered at the refund point. Check each drop off place first, as not everywhere will offer payments via cash.

Some refund points, like where we visited, will offer retail cash vouchers as payment. Our vouchers are for Coles.

You also have an option to donate your container refund. Simply quote your chosen group’s scheme ID at your refund point to donate.



Containers for Change

Containers for Change provides an opportunity for both groups and charities to raise extra money.

Get more information on Containers for Change on their website.ย 


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