Today I did a fitness class with Mums on a Mission. If I’m honest I didn’t know what to expect as I’ve found some fitness groups for mums to not push me enough and most I’ve found aren’t really suitable to bring toddlers along to. Well I was certainly challenged! and Mums on a Mission welcome children coming along to save the hassle and cost of a crèche.
I did the metafit group fitness, at Whitfords Nodes Park in Hillarys, with trainer Clair. A great aspect was that the exercises we were doing were suitable for all fitness types. We were shown how to modify to go a bit harder or to make it low impact if needed and those with injuries were given alternative exercises where required.
There were mums with baby’s only a few months old, mums with toddlers and mums who didn’t bring their kids along – everyone had a great time and we were encouraged to work to our own pace and level while working hard. I have been working out at home for awhile but I was well and truly puffed by the end of today’s workout.
We were set up right next to the playground so the kids had a ball copying our exercises, running around on the grass or playing together on the playground. It’s a great morning out for them too.
Mums on a Mission is more than just a fitness class. They’ve created a community of like-minded mums who support each other and help each other achieve their goals. The goal of Mums on a Mission is to create a balanced lifestyle and they focus on exercise, nutrition and mindset.
Mums on Mission offer different types of fitness classes across 3 locations, Hillarys, Burns Beach and Wangara, as well as personal training sessions.
I thoroughly enjoyed my work out today and being able to watch my girls while they were outside, in the fresh air, having fun too, just made it the perfect morning!
Contact Mums on a Mission via their website, Facebook or Instagram for more information.