If you’re looking for a spot that’s ideal for dogs and kids, Jorgensen Park is it. Our dog (S) and 3-year-old (A) love exploring here. We donned our gum boots on an overcast Sunday morning and set off on the trail.

There is a good amount of parking at Kalamunda Community Centre which is at the start of the trail, but note that it does get busy on weekend mornings with other walkers. We parked to the left-hand-side of the centre next to the public toilets and started our walk around the back of the toilet block.

Dogs are allowed off-lead in the old golf course area but are not permitted on the section of the Bibbulmun track which crosses a part of the park.

S was very happy, sniffing and exploring the wide trails to her heart’s content, whilst A loved looking at the flowers, picking up as many sticks as she could carry (some of which made it back to the car!) and clambering over fallen trees. She enjoyed spotting insects and listening out for the kookaburras and other birdlife.

A’s favourite spot hidden in the trees was a small cubby made of sticks that kids have added to over the years. This was a perfect spot for a bit of imaginary play as A warmly welcomed me into her cubby café and set to work making a cappuccino!

Back at the start of the trail next to the car park are a couple of picnic tables beside a small playground with a climbing frame and swings. A was thrilled to spend some time here at the end of the walk!

We spent over an hour in the park and rewarded ourselves afterwards with pies (us) and a sausage roll (A) from Bakery 37 in Kalamunda town.

About 30-40 minutes from Perth, this spot is well worth a weekend drive to spend a morning in nature, either with your dog or just with the kids.


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