Little Things Garden Club, Balga

Well, what a find! Little Things Garden Club is run by the Balga Salvation Army. It is a fantastic family activity that includes nature play, cooking, gardening, story time, music and games.

We had such a great time joining in on their music and free play activity this morning. Carey is such a lovely host and is fantastic with the children. The music part of the activity was held over the road at the church building (as the weather was a bit unpredictable), but usually, the activities are all held in the โ€˜little thingsโ€™ community garden.

Little Things Garden Club, Balga

The community garden area is such a lovely space. It is filled with huge fig trees, board walks, garden beds and lots of other nooks and crannies that the kids can explore.

Little Things Garden Club, Balga

A favourite for miss 3 was the worm farm, where she got to pick up and examine the worms as they wiggled around in her hands.

Little Things Garden Club, Balga

One of the areas in the garden is a โ€˜protective behavioursโ€™ stepping stone display. Each colour stepping stone represents personal space boundaries. My daughter loved making up her own games in this area, jumping from stone to stone, depending on what colour was called out.

Little Things Garden Club, Balga

In another corner of the garden is the pit stop playground. This area was designed to be used for toy cars and trucks. They have plans of changing this corner around and adding a cubby house (or an Arc, if Carey gets her way)

Little Things Garden Club, Balga

They also have a few garden beds available, that you can actually plant your own seedlings in if you wish. Some of the garden beds are reserved, but there were still a few empty ones available. To reserve a garden bed, all you need to do is contact Carey who will advise you which ones are left.

Little Things Garden Club, Balga

During the week, the garden is open to the public anytime between 9am and 4pm, so you can pop in whenever you wish and let your children have a play. On the weekends, you can actually โ€˜hireโ€™ out the garden area for a private event such as a childโ€™s birthday party. They even have a gazebo that you can put up to provide extra shade and a bbq!

Little Things Garden Club, Balga

My main question to Carey was โ€œhow much does all of this costโ€? Her response was โ€œoh, a donation to be able to keep the gas bottle refilled maybeโ€ WOW!

Little Things Garden Club, Balga

The organised activities run on Mondays and Wednesdays during school term.

Monday sessions are:
10am – 11:30 – Happy Box Music (which is what we attended this morning) This was great fun, Miss 3 loved dancing around and using all the fun props provided. Music is on from 10am till 10:30am followed by morning tea and free play.

Little Things Garden Club, Balga

1pm – 2:30 – This is a free play session, they usually bring out a different craft activity and toys for the kids to enjoy also.

Little Things Garden Club, Balga

4pm – 5:30pm is the after school free play session. This also includes different activities each week.

Wednesday sessions are:
9:30 – 11:00 – Story and craft time followed by morning tea and free play in the garden.

11:30 – 1pm – Free play

4pm – 5:30 – also another after school free play session.

Want to know how much all of these activities cost? A gold coin donation and a piece of fruit for morning tea is all they ask. Tea, coffee and water is also provided.

Please make sure that your children have shoes, hat, suncream and a drink bottle.

Little Things Garden Club, BalgaLittle Things Garden Club, Balga

Bookings are recommended for any of the organised sessions, you can contact Carey on 93497488 or 0419936187 for further information or to book in.

For more information visit

Little Things Garden Club, Balga

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1 Comment
  1. Sue Yun 4 years ago

    My daughter is 14month old and I would like to join in the play group on wed session.
    Also one of my friend’s son(15month old) would like to join together.

    Please let us know whether there is space for us.

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