When it comes to moving homes, the process can be difficult and rather stressful at the best of times, though when we tackle the task with our kids – essentially everything is magnified. While you’re considering things such as getting a new home inspection in Perth and organising moving dates, kids can think they’re leaving everything they know.

With that in mind, we have a simple seven-step guide to moving with kids to make your move a whole lot smoother this year. 


It’s Time for a Chat 

There is a good chance that, much like yourself, the little ones are staying strong and not showing too much concern or worry on the surface, though on the inside they may be experiencing stress, anxiety and a myriad of other emotions. 

With this noted, it is a good idea to tout the positives of the move, the new area and the new home! A beautiful new room might be a good place to start as well as outlining the new parklands and fun things to do in the new area and go from there. 

If things do get a little tough, it might be worth investing in some move-friendly toys or devices to give the kids a little bit of a break from focusing on the move. 


Leave the Kids Room Until the End

Our second tip for a smooth move with kids is to leave their rooms until the very end.

This will ensure that no matter what is happening in the home and no matter how different or bare it feels, your little ones will have a safe, cozy and relaxing space to disappear to that feels exactly the same – which is often the comfort that is needed to make a move a little bit smoother. 

To add, you might not be able to leave everything in the kid’s rooms until the end, like furniture, for example, and so work to offer up a parent’s bed.


Arrange a Moving Specialist

A third thing to keep in mind when it comes to moving with kids is that you will always want to have a helping hand to make the move a little less stressful. 

Getting some help from local removalists is a major plus here as these teams are experts in moving homes, and with them taking a lot of stress off your hands, you’re better able to take care of the nuanced parts of the move as well as look after the kids with more precision. 

As you would agree, it is always good for a child to have a parent to talk to at any time during a move, and with a team helping with the heavy lifting, you’re more readily available for your kids.


Visit the New Home with the Kids

Of course, it does seem a little easier to leave the little ones out of most of the move due to the stress and the safety concerns, but when it comes to easing anxiety and making the process a lot less stressful for your kids, you always want to show them where they’ll be moving to! 

This could be anything from a slow drive-by of the new home, a play in a local park by the house or even taking them to an inspection before you make the purchase of the home. There is not much worse than having no clue of where you’re moving to, and so shining some light on the new home is a great idea. 


Don’t Introduce Anything New – for a while

When we move homes as adults, we often see this as a time to start anew and make some pretty big changes, though for the kids you want to make sure you’re doing the reverse of this.

You may be tempted to switch up bedroom furniture in the kid’s bedrooms, change the bed, swap out sheets and toys or make a tonne of other big changes – though we ask you to hold back on this. 

During a move is not the time to make life even more different from what it was before, so be sure to make your kid’s new bedrooms as close to the old ones as possible. This will keep everyone comfortable and feeling more at home in the new space. 


The Kid’s Bedrooms Comes First

In line with packing up your kid’s bedrooms last, you’re going to want to make sure that their bedrooms are furnished and ready to go as quickly as you can

Not only is this good for the kid’s looking to find their safe and comfy zones in the new home, but it means you will have a safe space that you can use to keep the little ones safe during the unpacking of the new home. It is downright impossible to keep a child in a near-empty bedroom, and so do your best to have their bedrooms all set up and ready to go before all of the others. 


Be Patient 

Our final tip is to make sure you’re as patient as possible with your little ones when it comes to moving house. 

The process is stressful for all of us, and so you’re going to want to take things slow, explain what is happening and be as calm and respectful in your tone as possible. The kids likely have just as many questions as you do, and so understand this as a pathway to soothe anxieties and make the move a more positive experience. 


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