Among the fundamental skills children must learn, reading and writing are two of the most essential. Some primary schools require incoming kindergarten students to have basic written and oral communication knowledge. But typing words and commanding voice-activated devices are now the norm in this era. Thus, it may prove challenging to encourage a young child to read and write more. 

However, having them practice these skills before they start their first year of school is still possible. It doesn’t involve the old-school method of having them read something aloud on a board or write a word a hundred times. Learning can be fun for you and your child if you know the appropriate activities. Check out this article for examples of what you can do to improve your child’s literary skills.


  1. Playing Memory Games

Playing a memory game is a fun and easy way to boost your kid’s reading and writing skills. Memory games for kids often involve cards with pictures wherein players must match pairing images while the cards are placed face down. You can play other games with them, too, such as:   

  • Total Recall – Choose one highly-detailed photo or painting. Let your children study it for 30 seconds to a minute, then cover it. Ask them to take turns reciting every notable detail in the image. They can be anything from colours, people, animals, or shapes. The player with the most remembered details wins.
  • What Is Missing? – Collect easily identifiable objects and arrange them on a flat surface. After your kids study the items, let them turn around or close their eyes while you remove a few things. Your children should now identify the missing items.

Memory games might be fun for kids, but they also serve an excellent role in their cognitive development. Children improve their concentration and their attention to detail. Kids will also learn to store information for short periods, which they could use in various situations.


  1. Telling And Retelling Stories

Many child development experts encourage parents to read to their children for a good reason. Reading aloud helps young kids learn new words and meanings and improve their comprehension. The best part about this activity is that you and your child can do this anytime, not just when you take them to bed. 

You could further enhance their abilities by asking them to tell the story back to you either verbally or through writing. The latter is a fantastic way for them to get the hang of holding a pencil and transforming their thoughts into written words. They might need help writing the whole narrative on paper. So, advise them instead to write the story’s summary, what they remember, or their favourite parts. 

Reading time can also teach your child independence while practising their reading skills. Allow them to choose what story or book they want and let them read it to you aloud. Eventually, you can take turns telling and retelling stories to each one day at a time.


  1. Writing Simple Tasks For The Day

Most children can perform simple chores by age three, like wiping their messes or putting away toys. When they turn four or five, they should know how to hold a pencil or crayon and write simple words. So, start their early writing lessons by having them make a to-do list of their daily chores or tasks. 

Their tasks don’t have to be detailed; as short as two to three words will do. They don’t have to be actual chores, either. Tasks could be anything your child does daily, such as making the bed, showering, eating breakfast, etc. Your kid may also write your grocery list with you.  

When doing this activity, help your child with spelling and remind them of tasks they should or can do. However, you mustn’t discourage them when they spell something wrong or miswrite a letter. Guide them gently when you teach kids how to write. Being overly critical may backfire by making your child dislike writing.


  1. Writing Cards And Letters For Loved Ones

Children are likelier to perform activities when the reason is worth the effort. So, help improve their writing skills by having them write a card for someone they care about. This person could be a close relative, a friend at school, a favourite teacher, or even you. 

Many still consider writing cards and letters as the more heartfelt way to impart one’s feelings, unlike sending someone a text. This activity also aids children in finding their voice aside from learning how to turn their thoughts and feelings into meaningful words. 

Encourage your kid to write a letter to celebrate their loved one’s birthday, congratulate them on their achievements, or send well wishes when sick. Not only will the recipient enjoy such a sincere message, but your child will also feel a sense of worth in someone’s life.


  1. Watching Videos With The Subtitles On

Since most children from this new generation are exposed to various technological advancements the minute they’re born, use that to your advantage. During movie nights with the family, turn on the subtitles. Watching a video with subtitles may be challenging for the average viewer. But it could enhance your child’s literacy and decoding skills.  

While watching kid-friendly movies or videos, children observe the scenes and the dialogue and match that with the text underneath. While enjoying a movie, they’ll subconsciously learn correct spelling, pronunciation, and, sometimes, another language.

Final Thoughts

School shouldn’t be the only place kids learn to read and write better. Simple yet fun activities at home can serve as teaching moments to boost their abilities. They will absorb lessons more if they’re having fun and have a helpful and understanding parent to guide them.





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