“House”, written by Dan Giovannoni and illustrated by Charlotte Lane, is a stunning, beautifully illustrated children’s picture book that tells a heartfelt tale of friendship and belonging. Born from a collaboration between Barking Gecko Theatre and Fremantle Press, this enchanting story serves as a prequel to the award-winning stage production of the same name.

Barking Gecko Theatre, known for over thirty years of inspiring Western Australian children and families through magical live performances, originally premiered “House” as a theatre production in 2021. Playwright Dan Giovannoni and former artistic director Luke Kerridge brought the story to life, with Charlotte Lane’s captivating set designs. Excitingly, the stage production is set to return to  for a short season at the Octagon Theatre this November.

The book’s narrative follows a lonely little house, standing all by itself in the world without anyone to open its front door. Yearning for companionship, the house abandons its foundations and launches into the sky in search of a friend. From its aerial vantage, it can see the whole world – until it comes across a kindred spirit: a solitary girl caught in the midst of a raging storm. The house whisks her away to safety, providing a calm and safe haven from the tempest outside. As the lonely little girl slowly explores her new shelter room by room, she discovers the wonders inside – fantastical contraptions, a kitchen that can prepare anything she pleases, and a periscope that lets her watch the world roll by down on the ground. In this unexpected encounter, the house becomes not just a place of calm, distraction, and rest, but a true friend to someone in need.

This beautifully crafted picture book captivates young readers with its engaging storyline and intricate illustrations. My family’s experience with “House” showcased its versatility across different age groups:

My 9-year-old eagerly devoured the book on her own, finding the story both enticing and meaningful. She was drawn into the world of the lonely house and its newfound friend, connecting with the themes of friendship and belonging.

Meanwhile, my 6-year-old preferred a more interactive experience. She enjoyed being read to, frequently pausing to ask questions about the story and illustrations. This approach allowed her to engage more deeply with the narrative, sparking her curiosity and imagination.

As a parent, I appreciate how the book delicately addresses themes of loneliness and isolation. It conveys the important message that everyone experiences these strong, difficult emotions at times. The story beautifully illustrates how “House” provides a place of calmness and safety, reminding readers that all storms, big or small, eventually pass. This book marvellously encourages young, growing minds to nurture inner resilience for challenging times.

“House” will be available for purchase here from October 1, 2024.

House by Dan Giovannoni (Author), Charlotte Lane (Illustrator)

House is a stunning picture book that is a heart-felt tale of friendship and belonging.

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12/12/2024 04:03 am GMT

For those eager to experience the story in another medium, Barking Gecko Theatre is bringing the “HOUSE ” stage production to the Octagon Theatre at The University of Western Australia from November 1-9, 2024. Tickets are available for purchase NOW.



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