Have you been feeling a dull ache near the back of your jaw? Does it worsen when you’re eating or drinking something hot or cold? It could be a sign that your wisdom tooth is coming in, and a dentist must check it out.

While it’s normal for wisdom teeth to grow, their arrival often causes discomfort and may even lead to more complicated oral health issues. In this article, you’ll learn why having your wisdom tooth checked out by a dentist is essential for maintaining good oral health. By the end of this article, you should also know when it’s time to see a dentist about your wisdom tooth and whether you can keep it or if it’s best to have it removed.


Identifying When It’s Time To See A Dentist For Your Wisdom Tooth

When it comes to wisdom teeth, there’s no one-size-fits-all rule. But if you’re experiencing common symptoms such as:

  • Unusual Pain In The Jaw: If you’re feeling persistent pain or discomfort in your jaw area, you should make an appointment as soon as possible.
  • A Bulge Near Your Gum Line: If you notice an unusual swelling near the gum line, this could be a sign that an impacted wisdom tooth is present.
  • Difficulty Eating Food: If it has become difficult or painful to chew food, this could be caused by an infection or an impacted tooth.

Then it’s vital to have it checked out by a qualified dentist or visit dental care centres like West Perth Dental Centre. That’s because wisdom teeth can erupt at an angle when coming in and cause crowding and overbite of the front teeth.

If a wisdom tooth has erupted partially, it can be harder to keep clean due to its location in the back of the mouth or under the gum line. It makes wisdom teeth more prone to decay and infection. Sometimes, problematic wisdom teeth can cause pain and disease within the jaw joint and cysts that develop within the bone.

The only way to know if your wisdom tooth is causing problems is to visit a dentist for an x-ray. From this x-ray, dentists will be able to assess your specific situation and recommend treatment options. Don’t ignore your symptoms or delay getting them checked out; untreated wisdom tooth issues can lead to serious health complications.


Benefits Of Early Wisdom Tooth Screening Regular Checkup

Having your wisdom tooth checked by a dentist to get an early diagnosis and take preventive measures is essential. After all, prevention is always better than cure. By taking preventative measures, you can ensure that:

  • There Are Fewer Complex Procedures

Having your wisdom tooth examined by a dentist when it starts coming in allows them to monitor its growth. A dentist will check your gum line or the bone structure around the affected tooth. Doing so reduces the need for more complex dental procedures like extraction that may involve the other supposedly normal or healthy teeth.

  • Better Oral Health

A regular checkup schedule will allow your dentist to identify and treat issues immediately. It can prevent any problems that might put the health of your mouth at risk in the long term from worsening. Early detection of any problems with wisdom teeth and removing the tooth, if needed, can lead to better oral health overall, improving your quality of life.

Additionally, regular examinations enable you to maintain healthy oral hygiene practices, like brushing and flossing, which helps avoid wisdom tooth problems should you decide to keep yours. Healthy oral hygiene practices also are crucial after wisdom teeth removal.


The Consequences Of Delaying Treatment

If you neglect to visit a dentist for a wisdom tooth check-up, you could put yourself at risk for more severe problems later on. While ignoring a wisdom tooth doesn’t always mean you’ll develop an issue, it’s essential to be aware of the possible consequences of delaying treatment. Here are a few of the risks you should consider:

  • Damage To Adjacent Teeth

One possible consequence of not checking on your wisdom teeth is causing damage to adjacent teeth. If your wisdom teeth don’t have enough room to grow, they can cause adjacent teeth to shift or become impacted in the jawbone. It could result in further dental issues and even damage the overall alignment of your teeth.

  • Jaw Pain & Headaches

Delaying the removal of problematic wisdom teeth can also cause chronic jaw pain and headaches due to inflammation in the area surrounding the impacted tooth. It could worsen if left untreated.

  • Infections & Cysts

One of the most serious consequences of untreated wisdom teeth is an increased risk of developing infections or cysts around the jawbone or the impacted tooth. It can cause swelling, pain, and even death if the tissue around the affected area is left untreated. You must visit your dentist when you notice signs and symptoms of infection or cysts to treat them before they become more serious.

By having regular check-ups with your dentist, you can monitor any changes in your wisdom teeth and ensure that any necessary treatments are done promptly before any more serious complications arise.

Young female dentist drilling tooth to patient in dental clinic


Wisdom teeth can cause several dental problems if left unchecked by a dentist, so getting regular check-ups is essential. Prevention is vital for dental health, so it’s best to be proactive and address potential issues before they arise. Visiting a dentist to check your wisdom tooth will also give you an idea of whether or not you have to remove your wisdom tooth or if it’s okay to keep it. Whatever the case may be, don’t wait until it’s too late. Get that wisdom tooth checked to avoid the consequences of delayed treatment and to achieve better oral health overall.



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