Cockburn Libraries – Spearwood
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- Cockburn Libraries – Spearwood
Spearwood, WA 6163 Australia Get Directions
Cockburn Libraries - Spearwood 9 Coleville Crescent, Spearwood, WA, AustraliaCome to the library to hear great stories and to join in on songs and rhymes, before you make a masterpiece of craft to take home. Storytime encourages a love of reading, stimulates kids’ imaginations and offers an opportunity for social interaction. Talk, sing, read, write, & play every day Your storyteller will share fantastic picture books, stories, songs and […]
Lego Club
Cockburn Libraries - Spearwood 9 Coleville Crescent, Spearwood, WA, AustraliaLEGO Club meetings where you get a chance to get creative with our extensive LEGO supply. LEGO Club goes for 1 hour. LEGO Club is part of the Creative Kids program Exact dates & times Program details Ages: 5+ years old Bookings required: No Cost: Free Locations, days & times: Coolbellup Library – First AND Third Wednesday of the month – 3.30-4.15pm (Except school holidays) Spearwood Library – […]
Steam Club
Cockburn Libraries - Spearwood 9 Coleville Crescent, Spearwood, WA, AustraliaImagine, invent & innovate with fun and challenging hands-on activities. Explore the world of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics at our weekly STEAM clubs. STEAM Club gives kids the chance to get creative and test out their inventiveness while engaging with other children in the community. STEAM encompasses science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics and our sessions will cover […]
Cockburn Libraries - Spearwood 9 Coleville Crescent, Spearwood, WA, AustraliaCome to the library to hear great stories and to join in on songs and rhymes, before you make a masterpiece of craft to take home. Storytime encourages a love of reading, stimulates kids’ imaginations and offers an opportunity for social interaction. Talk, sing, read, write, & play every day Your storyteller will share fantastic picture books, stories, songs and […]
Toddlers Sing And Play
Cockburn Libraries - Spearwood 9 Coleville Crescent, Spearwood, WA, AustraliaTalk, sing, read, write, & play every day Introduce your toddler to the joys of music-making, playing simple instruments, and learning songs and dances. Experience the joy of music, movement, and song. Music and songs encourage and develop language skills. Having fun, through movement, singing and instrument playing can encourage coordination, self-expression, and imagination. Explore basic musical instruments and learn […]
Cockburn Libraries - Spearwood 9 Coleville Crescent, Spearwood, WA, AustraliaCome to the library to hear great stories and to join in on songs and rhymes, before you make a masterpiece of craft to take home. Storytime encourages a love of reading, stimulates kids’ imaginations and offers an opportunity for social interaction. Talk, sing, read, write, & play every day Your storyteller will share fantastic picture books, stories, songs and […]
Contação de História em Português – Stories in Portuguese
Cockburn Libraries - Spearwood 9 Coleville Crescent, Spearwood, WA, AustraliaVisite a biblioteca de Spearwood para escutar histórias em Portugues Brasileiro. Venha participar de jogos e cantigas de roda, facilitados por voluntários. Fale, cante, leia, escreva e toque todos os dias Join us at the Spearwood Library for storytelling in Portuguese. There will be different stories told by volunteers who speak Brazilian Portuguese. Talk, sing, read, write, & play every […]
Toddlers Sing And Play
Cockburn Libraries - Spearwood 9 Coleville Crescent, Spearwood, WA, AustraliaTalk, sing, read, write, & play every day Introduce your toddler to the joys of music-making, playing simple instruments, and learning songs and dances. Experience the joy of music, movement, and song. Music and songs encourage and develop language skills. Having fun, through movement, singing and instrument playing can encourage coordination, self-expression, and imagination. Explore basic musical instruments and learn […]
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