Women’s Refuges provide safe, temporary accommodation and associated support services to women and children in crisis and needing to escape domestic and family violence situations.

Crisis Care and The Salvation Army Careline

In the Perth Metro area access to Women’s Refuges is usually via Crisis Care (08) 9223 1111 or The Salvation Army Careline (08) 9442 5777

Both of these agencies receive a list of refuge vacancies twice each day – morning and afternoon. They will provide you with the latest information on which refuges had vacancies or will refer you to the Duty Refuge who has the most up-to-date vacancy information. You will then need to contact the refuge directly to see if the vacancy still exists and then the refuge will want to assess the woman and her circumstances to see if admission is appropriate. Each refuge has their own system for doing this but most will want to speak directly to the woman herself before making a decision.

Crisis Care will assist with transport to get a woman and children to the refuge once they have been accepted if they are unable to get there themselves.


The Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing

The Centre for Women’s Safety and Wellbeing has developed a Support and Services Directory which is for any woman looking for support who is experiencing, or has experienced, abuse through family, domestic and/or sexual violence.

This online Directory contains the specialised Family and Domestic Violence Services that can be found throughout Western Australia as well as Sexual Assault Support Services, Legal Assistance Services, Women’s Community Based Health Services, and Men’s Programs and Supports. The Directory also includes Family and Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services for Children and Young People.

Having the listed services in one place can help women find the right service at the right time, which hopefully will prevent women from having to tell their story many times.

The Directory can also support service providers to find local and appropriate support for their clients and community members looking for support for a friend, colleague or family member.



Support Services

Below is a list of refuges and support services in the Perth Metro area.

Crisis Care
Crisis Care is a telephone information and counselling service for people in crisis needing urgent help.
Telephone Crisis Care when:
– you need someone to help sort out a serious problem
– you are concerned about the well-being of a child
– you are escaping domestic violence and need help arguments are causing
– unhappiness and problems in your family
– you are alone or afraid and urgently need to talk to someone
– you are homeless
– you need counselling, information or other support
Operates 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Phone | (08) 9223 1111


Salvation Army
The Salvation Army provides services in Western Australia to support women facing family and domestic violence.
The Graceville Centre has three services offering help for women who need assistance following family and domestic violence incidents or are homeless due to such incidents.
Byanda: provides accommodation for women and their children escaping family and domestic violence.
Nunyara: accommodates six women who are unaccompanied by children.
Both refuges are staffed 24 hours a day to ensure the complete protection of all. 
Phone | 08 9328 7284


Entry Point
Entry point Perth is a free assessment and referral service assisting people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the Perth metropolitan area to access accommodation and support options. We can:
– assess individual circumstances on the phone or in person
– provide individuals with information on accommodation and support options in the Perth metropolitan area
– if eligible, provide formal referrals to crisis accommodation options  and vacancies that exist
– set up a time for an assessment and then refer to the most eligible appropriate services
Operates Monday – Friday 9am – 7pm & Saturday 9am – 5pm. Closed Sunday and Public Holidays
Phone | 1800 124 684


Women’s Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services
The Women’s Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services (WCDFVS) is a state-wide peak organisation committed to improving the status of women and children in society. We seek to ensure that all women and children live free of domestic and family violence.
Opening hours Monday – Friday 9am – 4.30pm Monday – Friday
Phone | (08) 9420 7264


St Bartholomew’s House
St. Bartholomew’s House Accommodation Service offers secure accommodation and support services for single men aged over 18 years, families and intensive support for those experiencing, or at risk of homelessness.
Phone | (08) 9323 5100


Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline
The Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline is a statewide 24-hour service. This service provides support and counselling for women experiencing family and domestic violence. This includes phone counselling, information and advice, referral to local advocacy and support services, liaison with police if necessary and support in escaping situations of family and domestic violence. The service can refer women to safe accommodation if required. A telephone based interpreting service is available if required.
Phone | (08) 9223 1111 or 1800 199 008 (free call)


Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline
The Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline is a state wide 24-hour service. This service provides counselling for men who are concerned about their violent and abusive behaviours. The service can provide telephone counselling, information and referral to ongoing face to face services if required. This service can provide information about accessing legal advice, accommodation and other support services for people who have been served with a violence restraining order. Information and support are also available for men who have experienced family and domestic violence. A telephone based interpreting service is available if required.
Phone | (08) 9223 1199 or 1800 000 599 (Free call)


Homeless Advisory Service
The purpose of the Homeless Advisory Service is to provide information to primary and secondary homeless people that will assist them to seek their own accommodation. Every effort is made by the Homeless Advisory Service to assist homeless people to link with crisis accommodation services.
Operating hours Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Phone | 1800 065 892


Ellenbrook Family Support Service
The Ellenbrook Family Support Service is a crisis service for women and children who have experienced domestic or family violence. The service provides crisis accommodation with provision for an on-call arrangement to allow women and children, crisis support 24 hours, 7 days per week. The service provides an integrated and comprehensive service for women and children escaping family and domestic violence with a strong case management and empowerment approach. Each family accepted into the Ellenbrook Family Support Service will receive ongoing support from a Family Support Worker. Clients will be able to access advice and information, referrals, emotional support and practical assistance when required. The Ellenbrook Family Support Worker will also support clients to build on their independent living skills as they transition from the Ellenbrook Family Support Service to the private rental market.
Phone | (08) 9374 0747



Zonta House
For more than 30 years, Zonta House Refuge Association Inc. have supported women who have experienced family and domestic violence, mental health, homelessness and other life crises. Zonta House provides refuge and transitional accommodation, holistic support services and education to women (without children) over the age of 18.
Phone | (08) 9364 8028

The Patricia Giles Centre – Joondalup Area
The Pat Giles refuge can provide safe, crisis housing for single women and women with children to 18 years who have experienced family violence. If you need to come into a refuge in an emergency phone Crisis Care 9223 1111 and they will assist you with a taxi.
At the refuge staff will assist you with information to help you decide about housing, legal and income issues.
At the refuge you will be supplied with bedding and food, clothing and toiletries if needed.
Phone | (08) 9300 0340

Harmony Place
Harmony Place provides professional case management and accommodation services to women with dependent children who are escaping domestic violence, homelessness, and/or other life crises. The Accommodation comprises six on-site 1, 2 & 3-bed crisis units.
Phone | (08) 9227 6616

Koolkuna Women’s Refuge provides safe, supported, short-term accommodation to women and children escaping domestic or family violence or other life crises resulting in homelessness.
Koolkuna Women’s Refuge operates from purpose-built premises and has the capacity to accommodate four families at any one time with a maximum of 24 persons. The premises were specifically designed with the needs of larger families, accompanying older male children and those with disabilities in mind. As such, Koolkuna is one of the few refuges in the metropolitan region that can accommodate women with up to 7 children, women and children with disabilities and older male children up to the age of 18 years.
Phone | (08) 9255 2202

Kira House – Midland Area
Supported and/or safe accommodation to women- with/or without accompanying children- who as a result of family and domestic violence or other crisis. Breaking the cycle of domestic violence and homelessness- and assisting clients to maintain existing safe accommodation where appropriate or move to stable safe long term accommodation is a key role of Family and Domestic Violence Accommodation and Support.
Domestic Violence, Women 14 to 18 years. 24 hour access
Phone | (08) 6274 3684 or 0408 895 613

Pat Thomas House
Pat Thomas House Inc. is a domestic and family violence crisis service that provides supported crisis accommodation, advocacy, support and counselling to women and children or lone women who are escaping, experiencing or are impacted by Domestic/Family Violence.
The service includes the Refuge where 6 families can be accommodated; we can accommodate 6 women and up to 18 children at any one time. Each room has its own ensuite bathroom and TV.
Domestic Violence, Women 18+, children 16+, Boys to 18 years. 24 hour access
Phone | (08) 9535 4775

Lucy Saw
The Lucy Saw Women’s Refuge Centre in Rockingham provides a safe environment for women and children and is staffed by experienced workers who are available to talk through all the issues surrounding the family and domestic violence.
Domestic Violence, Boys to 14 years. 24 hour access
Phone | (08) 9527 6872

Rebecca West House – Joondalup Area
Rebecca West House provides crisis accommodation for single women or women with children to 18 years who are escaping family violence or who are at risk of homelessness due to other life crises.
Domestic Violence, Homeless, boys to 18 years, 24 hour access
Phone | (08) 9300 0340

Mary Smith
Domestic Violence, boys to 18 years, 24 hour access
Phone | (08) 9458 1107

Starick House
Domestic Violence, boys to 18 years.
Phone | (08) 9398 5080

Domestic Violence, boys to 17 years
Phone | (08) 9205 7375

Nardine Wimmin’s Refuge
Supported and/or safe accommodation to women- with/or without accompanying children- who as a result of family and domestic violence or other crisis. Breaking the cycle of domestic violence and homelessness- and assisting clients to maintain existing safe accommodation where appropriate or move to stable safe long term accommodation is a key role of Family and Domestic Violence Accommodation and Support.
Domestic Violence, Boys to 17 years
Phone | (08) 9470 3628

The Byanda refuge offers crisis and short term accommodation and support for women over 25 with children (male under 10 years of age) and individual women escaping family and domestic violence.
Domestic Violence, homelessness, eligibility assessed case by case, 24 hour access
Phone | (08) 9328 7284

Warrawee – Fremantle Area
The refuge provides crisis and support accommodation for women with children (boys up to the age of 12), escaping family or domestic violence.
Domestic Violence, boys to 12 years, 24 hour access
Phone | (08) 9335 7977

Orana House
Provides crisis accommodation to families impacted by family and domestic violence or other forms of crisis. Limited accommodation is also available for single women dependent on the urgency of the case.
Domestic Violence, Boys to 17 years, 24 hour access
Phone | (08) 9370 4544

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