Baby Rhyme Time For ages 0 – 12 months
Uses rhymes, songs and stories to foster positive communication, enjoyable interaction and fun times between parents and children.
Toddler Rhyme Time For ages 1 to 3 years
Uses rhymes, songs and stories to foster positive communication, enjoyable interaction and fun times between parents and children.
Story Time
For ages 0-5 years
Enjoy stories, nursery rhymes and craft activities.
Want to become a coding ninja? Amherst Village Library is running a fortnightly coding club.Coding Dojos are fun, interactive spaces that create opportunities to make new friends with similar interests. Participants are required to bring their own laptop or tablet device.
This is a free event, bookings are essential. Suitable for ages 7 – 17 years old.
Visit the library website for up to date days and times.