Victoria Park Library offers an engaging range of regular children’s programs and activities that promote early literacy, coding skills, and creative development. Located at 27 Sussex Street in East Victoria Park, the library provides both traditional and innovative programs that cater to children of all ages, from babies to pre-teens.
Regular Children’s Programs
Early Years Programs
- Baby Rhymetime
- Regular weekly sessions
- Features songs and rhymes for early literacy
- Perfect for babies and toddlers
- Storytime
- Weekly during school terms
- Includes picture books, songs, rhymes and craft
- Suitable for preschool-aged children
Special Programs
- Koolangka Waangkiny Noongar Language Storytime
- With Nyoongar woman Rickeeta Walley
- Learn local stories and language
- Regular sessions during school terms
STEAM & Technology
- Coder Dojo
- Learn coding skills
- Regular weekly sessions
- For school-aged children
Creative Activities
- LEGO Challenge Free Play
- Ages 5-12 years
- Monthly challenges
- Focus on creativity and social interaction
Special Needs Support
- Key Word Signing Classes
- For children, parents & carers
- Uses Auslan
- Regular term-time sessions